Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Simple Ideas For a Girl's Bedroom

Planning to get a new look for your daughter's bedroom? If you are thinking of redesigning your daughter's bedroom, then you need to know what your daughter likes. Designing a bedroom should be a collaborative work between you and your daughter. Aside from that, it will also greatly depend on your daughter's age.
A teenage daughter would definitely not be happy with a bedroom that is designed for a preschooler. If you want your daughter to enjoy her bedroom and be comfortable with it, then you and your daughter should work together in beautifying the room. To help you out, here are some simple ideas for girl's bedroom.
For little daughters, they always wanted to feel that they are a princess. A princess bedroom is the most common theme for little girls. Aside from that, it is also quite easy to design a princess bedroom since most stuffs and accessories can be purchased easily at department stores or online stores. You can also easily set up accessories such as laced curtains, lamps, and wallpapers because these are not hard to find items and are readily available in the market.
If your daughter is already in the preteen years, a princess bedroom would not be suitable for her. Girls at this age are more interested in other stuff such as music. Hence, a great bedroom theme would be a pop star theme. You and your daughter can make her room suited for a pop star. You can add accessories and wallpapers that have designs such as musical notes. The bedding designs should also be coordinated along with the wallpaper and other accessories such as throw pillows and comforters.
Designing your daughter's bedroom would be a great bonding moment between the two of you. You will also learn the things that interest your daughter the most, while also helping her and guiding her.

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